The night was chilly but the fight was heated. Last night’s Snowbrawl 2012 was a violent bonanza of snow-related fun. These tidbits from Bwog’s intrepid tipsters give us some idea of the carnage:
Overheard at Snowbrawl 2012:
Girl to friends after getting smacked in the face: “It’s assault time y’all! Oh my god! It’s fuckin’ assault time!”
“Where are you going, bitch? Come back here!”
Images of the wintery madness:
- About to enter the fray
- A casualty and her killer
- The classic “snow cock”
- A snowbrawl victor
- The field of battle
@Anonymous ^^Comment for MD. So, I got an M.S. in Mathematics, Ph.D. in Mathematical Statistics and have also done advanced research in organic chemistry while in college. Got the Ph.D. in 4 years. I only bring this up because I partied hard maybe 3 days a week and had lots of friends. So beware pointing out that you are a cheerless drone. You claim it’s because you picked a hard major. Others might entertain the possibility that you are just unsuited for your major.
@Anonymous Yes, but everyone knows math students don’t do shit. In fact, it doesn’t surprise me at all that a math graduate student would have plenty of time to party when they weren’t busy doing “research.”
@Anonymous ^I’m still sticking with the theory that you are just not cut out for your field of study. Maybe I might not have done shit (heh), but my two main drinking buddies were getting doctorates in Electrical Engineering and Physics, and they drank more than I did. And we are all gainfully employed making good money. Even in undergrad, the engineers partied as hard as the mathematicians… and the chemists… don’t get me started on chemists. Don’t blame your major on the fact that you can’t get invited to parties.
@MD Pathetic. Why don’t these Columbia students spend this time studying for their tests?
I keep forgetting that not everybody has a real major, where you actually need to memorize things to get a good grade.
@Dr McScientist, Ph.D. It’s a well established fact that memorization is the highest form of learning.
@Dan That one big cock
@Van Owen Thank you. I know.