Two girls were seen plundering Morton Williams of its supply of Pellegrino sparkling water bottles—but they had one of those tubs you use to move your entire amount of possessions into your room in the fall. Maybe they had just gotten out of a two-seat Lambo and were really thirsty…?
@anon Who wrote this atrocity and decided it was news?
@Kristine Sorry about the confusion, Bwog! Michael and I decided we wanted to have a sparkling water birth.
@Anonymous “one of those tubs”
Have we forgotten the term ‘blue bin’?
@Anonymous The more epic part of the definition is:
“tubs you use to move your entire amount of possessions”
@Now I know I'm not alone Hasn’t everyone at some point wondered what it be like to take a bath in mineral water?
@yeah i have now
@SEAS '13 Delightfully fizzy.