Love, 2016

Love, 2016

The fine folks of CCSC met, as they are wont to do, last night. Maren Killackey was there. 

It was noticeably empty Sunday night in the Satow room; both CCSC President Karishma Habbu and VP Communications Jared Odessky were absent, and some questioned whether there were enough council members present to meet quorum. Those that weren’t there didn’t miss much, though; thanks to a light agenda (and closed section (#transparencymuch?)), the meeting was mercifully quick.


  • The Class of 2013 will be getting their sweaters on Wednesday.
  • 2014 hosted a showing of “Skyfall” on Friday, and handed out Insomnia cookies at midnight.
  • 2015 will be working with CSA to host a series of major events, including one hour sessions during which underclassmen can talk to upperclassmen about what it’s like in their field of study. There’ll be a CC dinner discussion sign up via CCE,  and this Friday is the “Go Lions Go” pre game for our basketball game against Princeton.
  • 2016 is getting ready to sell class apparel. They’re offering pinnies and sports bras (yes, sports bras), so be sure to show your “support” (***WINK***) for 2016. The class council is also working on getting routers in the dining halls. And the award for class that’s most on it is…
  • Academic Affairs Rep Steven Castellano reports that the progress on having first semester freshman year classes be pass/fail is looking good! However, it’s TBD whether Core classes will be subject to the policy. There’s also a question of whether prerequisites for pre-med, especially, (like Gen Chem) will count, though Castellano is confident they will especially since MIT already employs this policy apparently without problem.

Calvin Sun, CC’08 visited the Council to give a presentation on behalf of the Columbia College Young Alumni. He stressed that it’s a tough world out there once you leave college. Cold and dark. Unless you have a boyfriend or girlfriend (whatever those are), you’ll be all by yourself, and how fast you’ll wish for that floormate who Skyped loudly at 6 a.m. back, just so you can have someone – anyone – to glare at on College Walk! But, there is hope… ifyougivelotsofmoneytoColumbiakthanksbye.  Seriously, though, CCYA hosts awesome community service projects and offers great opportunities to get catch up with old friends aka get really trashed at Havana and go to Tom’s for drunk food. Oh, the joys of college.

Filling in for Jared Odessky, 2016 Rep Grayson Warrick presented on the how-to  guides, which has been a big council initiative since the beginning of last semester. First supposed to be officially “released” in October… then in November, many articles have actually been live for a while, they just didn’t have their own link on the homepage of WikiCU, making them impossible to find… unless, y’know, you used Google. You can also create an account and edit your own how-to guide. Encouraged topics might be How to Defeat the new Turnstiles of Doom in EC; How to Not Be That Guy in Lit Hum/CC/Lecture/Seminar/Section/Dining Hall/Butler/Anywhere a Douchey Archetype Could Possibly Be at Anytime Within a 10-Block Radius of the School (Sigh); or How to Prepare for a Natural Disaster

Class apparel via Wikimedia Commons