A roundup of lawl-worthy moments from Bacchanal:
- The gingerbread man watches Holi from the comfort of EC
- “I’m in front of a big ass library”
- The infamous fountain girl
- Macklemore urges us to “crowd surf the raccoon,” which students then prove themselves incapable of doing.
- Mythical creatures enjoy the show
- Charmander demonstrates the dangers of the mosh pit
- And we danced
- Try and find yourself in the crowd!! Except you probably don’t want to see what you looked like yesterday.
- “Thanks for letting me come to your school on a Saturday and dry hump your women”
- That guy
Memorable (or maybe not so memorable since most of you won’t remember yesterday) quotes:
“Did you hear that mosh pitting perfectly mimics random particles in a box?”
“I really have to pee and take 4 shots!”
“That five year old doesn’t have a CUID!”
Drunk GS students outside Lewisohn heckling people going in to pee: “NOW you want to go to Lewisohn! NOW you love GS!”
And the breakout star of Bacchanal, Fountain Girl:
Pictures and quotes via our lovely tipsters
@Jon Cokely, you absolute hero You own my heart.
@Anonymous FOUNTAIN GIRL: Engrave her name on Butler. NOW.
@Anonymous God I’m old. Pokeyman was for dumb little kids when I was younger
@#rvnthetrvp where are the pictures of floss??? need 2 kno, pls respond
@anon Saxophone guy is my hero.
@curiouzzz Are there more pics?
Is there going to be an album
@Anonymous Lady Furr, queen of bachannal!
@Tastemaker ya, fountain girl is literally my everything
@Anonymous These concerts were the best.
@Anonymous anyone else think jon cokely is really hawt? total bau5
@Anonymous Charmander <3
@Anonymous Fountain girl is my personal hero.
@Anonymous IAMA request: Bacchanal fountain girl
@Anonymous k furrrrr
@What happens if you sit on an ipod playing Baroque music?