HAI GUISE! ur Friendy daliy here. ALLll I want to say is that u should send us ALLLL your pics, tips, and Cray Cray videoos of today! Send them to tips@bwog.com !
All you need to no in the world is down therr:
Set times
Morningsiders 11:00 – 11:45
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis 12:00 – 1:00
Flosstradamus 1:30 – 2:30
Red Bull Truck – 9:00 – 4:00
Pics shuld look liek dis:
EDIT: Photos and stuff… 4Loko out
“Did you hear that mosh pitting perfectly mimics random particles in a box?”
“I really have to pee and take 4 shots!”
“it’s not like a rapper I want to see, it’s just two white assholes”
“Thanks for letting me come to your school on a Saturday and dry hump your women”
“Community college had this suit down like that. Come on! Do not grab his penis.
Talking about his raccoon coat”
“The worst thing about these crowds is they make me sober”
@Funny Thing When a drunk guy jumps on stage everyone thinks he’s the most hilarious and brave bro ever.
When a girl dances around in the fountain, she’s a ‘sloppy bitch’ and the conversation become all about whether or not people want to sleep with her.
@Dat I called her a “sloppy bitch” not only because she was drunk, but because she was getting me wet. I never said anything about sax dude (didn’t see him). As a woman I feel like overplaying this card does nothing to help us.
@lazy college senior amen, sista
@Anonymous Columbia is the best!
@Anonymous lmao Karl working his students
@Anonymous Somebody has got to make a tshirt of the new legend that is fountain girl.
@Dat Sloppy bitch.
@Anonymous FML
@Dat Sloppy bitch.
@Fountain Girl i would love to put it in her mouth
@Oh yeah. I’m sure someone did.
@anon stop promoting rape culture! its soo bad
@anon rape culture? How do i get involved?
@Anonymous Shutup with your fucking rape culture bullshit. Everytime I hear that pansy-ass phrase I feel like a feminist queefed in my mouth. And you self-righteous women who call themselves “survivors” need to stop trying to victimize yourself. You’ll get no sympathy from me – More men than women are raped in the US. Look it up. And billions more men – actual survivors of armed combat – endured the horrors of war to protect the masses of ungrateful women and their children. All I ask is to fck off with your dumbass “Im a man and I stay at home in my pajamas watching Dr. Phil all day and take care of the kids while my wife works 80 hrs a week just so I can spend it on clothes from the Eddie Bauer catalog and maybe ill fuck her if she does the dishes” campaign. I hate you attention-seeking, male-abusing bastards from the very core of my being.
@Anonymous damnnnnn
@Anonymous i had no idea little shits like you still existed omg
@hmm can all the MRAs at columbia start a student group or special interest community so i know who to stay the fuck away from? thanks
@Honest Columbia student It is sad to see so many drunk students puking all over campus today.
Bacchanal is in poor taste. A pretend rapper shouting expletives to the encore of drug induced college “students” right in front of Low Memorial Library certainly tarnishes the educational reputation of Columbia.
We can do better.
@Troll Trolololol.
Agreed on the punning students–they should learn to hold their liquor–but “pretend rapper”? Why, because he’s white? Also, “honest Columbian”? Just because up choose to be a contrarian it doesn’t validate your point; the notion that students behaving like regular youn adults for one day a year tarnishes the reputation of this university belies a fundamental misunderstanding of the way the world works. Sorry for attempting to respond logically to a post that’s quite possibly just trolling, but I dont intend to enable the balance of powerin the war on fun to be shifted on my watch.
Lifted shifted higher than the ceiling, oohwee it’s the ultimate feeling sugar how you get so fly?
But fack you.
@Anonymous drunk
@SEAS '13 Oh, and the “educational reputation[s]” of Harvard, Yale, and Princeton are so excellent because they’re tee-totalers.
*rolls eyes*
Work hard, play hard.
@Anonymous Please suck at life less.
@Anonymous I agree with the pretend rapper part
@Arsene Wenger Looks like someone can’t handle the bantz
@Drug induced college "student" In my 4 years here, this past Saturday was the one day I was filled with so much love for Columbia and everyone here. Bacchanal was way better than I expected, the redbull truck killed it and everyone was so happy and colorful and attractive!
@Anonymous Floss was absolutely filthy
@Anonymous my, my city’s filthy
(the town, macklemore and budo)
@Why????? did bacchanal have to end???
@Jordana Abraham fuck
@Samantha Fishbein me
@Aleen Kuperman hard
@MEchE Just slept through it. MatLab ftw.
@Anonymous omg, is the assignment difficult? Haven’t started.
@Anonymous omg dude ur fucked!!
@Anonymous Go to Bacchanal, Bwog, you’re drunk.
@Scrooge McDuck Go home, Bwog, you’re drunk. As you should be.