A crafty Bwogger working late into the night at the Diana picked up a copy of what appears to be the Creative Team’s latest “Creative Rundown” of this year’s Veesh. Bwog is withholding judgement for the time being, but there’s no reason you should do the same in the comments.
@soft bigotry of low expectations Don’t worry, folks. I can safely say the actual plot will be far worse.
@Wait but like This is the worst idea for a play I’ve ever heard of.
@Anonymous this is obviously a joke. the show will not end with the university disbanding that is not the life-affirming message the show exists for
@Fratty Hipster Where all the girls at doe
@LA Fripster Truth bruh.
@Scott Bacon, GS '13, V119 Token Old Guy, Lover of Beanies, Descendant of Charlemagne …fuck.
@But really... All these people pretending to be a part of this year’s Varsity Show to ‘protect the tradition’ and keep the plot secret or whatever even though Bwog clearly leaked a hilariously and feasibly Veeshy plot are dumb. This is what we’ll be seeing on stage in May this year. Get it in your heads.
@V119 Insider You, pretending to be a part of this year’s Varsity Show, I will ‘protect the tradition’ and keep the plot secret or whatever even though Bwog clearly leaked a hilariously and feasibly Veeshy plot, you sir are dumb. This is not what we’ll be seeing on stage in May this year. Get it in your head
@Alexandra He’s right. This plot is TOTALLY real, guys.
@V119 insider Don’t worry guys, this is not the actual plot. We’re no PIKE.
@Eat a dick ^
@Anonymous Was that on your list?
@You Guys It’s a JOKE. I’m in the V Show. Don’t worry, this is not our plot.
*hides in corner sobbing over the fact that our real plot was found out*
…No but seriously, guys, “Act Break?” Try “intermission.” This is a joke.
@Not Cool What the fuck? Why the shit would you leak this? 119 years of tradition ruined
@Reality On a real note, whether or not this is the actual plot, Bwog needs to step it up. If this is an April Fool’s joke.. funny. But if in fact this were the actual plot, congratulations, you just ruined 119 years of tradition for virtually everyone in the Columbia Community.
Congrats Bwog!
@Disappointed This sucks. And I actually thought the Varsity Show could be GOOD this year. What a let down.
@v119 yeah oh no :'( they rly messed up dis yr!
@Disappointed Sr. @Disappointed: This sucks. And I actually thought my son would be FUNNY this year. What a let down.
@Wait Do they have to change the plot now?!
@vshow alum #turkeyday
@v119 no u guys u got us :(
@Bwog has become.. …very TMZ-ish recently. Leaking all these random documents to the public without consent.
Not necessarily a bad thing, but not what Bwog used to be like.
(unless this is an april fools joke..)
@The Dark Petunia Yes, I enjoy Bwog but spec is pretty good also.
@The Metaknight Haha this is actually kind of funny