i heard the roof of low is pretty good too

Is this what the roof of Wien looks like?

This Monday’s ESC meeting had all of these things—what more could you ask for? Except maybe 150th anniversary swag. Oh wait, it had that too. That’s right, break out your calendars because we’ve got an impending celebration on our hands. With just about two short months to go until the big official kickoff, which will coincide with E-Week, everyone should be getting excited. Suggestions for free stuff were pitched (paperweights, anyone?) and joint preparations with EGSC will be underway soon. Stay tuned.

ESC is also gearing up to shed some light on the the sudden withdrawal of residence hall swipe access for commuter students. As an unwelcome bonus, commuters also returned to campus this fall to discover that they were Lerner mailbox-less. So far, there has been no official explanation for the changes.

In other news, ESC has gone roof huntin’. In preparation for a 150th anniversary all-engineering event, ESC has found Wein’s roof capacity of 50 people inadequate. Other possible locales include the Diana Center and the faculty house top floor. Whatever this mystery event is, it had better be on a roof somewhere because that’d be freaking cool.

Rounding out Bwog’s attractively alluring alliterative titling, it appears the Athletics Department is trying to rev up a rivalry with Cornell and is now picking ESC’s collective brains for ways to drum up student support. Why Cornell we don’t know, but Athletics did take out an ad in a Cornell paper last year of Roaree taunting Cornell’s red bear thing of a mascot, so there’s that.

And now for all the news that’s fit to print:

  • Funding for some engineering groups to attend national conferences, matched 1:1 by the Dean’s Office, is set to be granted.
  • Engineering project grants awarded to cool project ideas are in the works, details forthcoming.
  • This year’s Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium will be held on October 3rd.
  • Homecoming weekend is nearly here, and opening events will run from October 17th to 18th. Roaree, cheerleaders, and the Marching Band will be around for the festivities set for the 18th at 6-8 PM on Low Steps.
  • ESC meetings are held every Monday at 9:30 PM in the Lerner Satow Room and are open to anyone. (Please come. Bwog gets lonely.)

Clearly Wien via Shutterstock