Sometimes we forget, but Columbia has some freaking awesome stuff. In our efforts to remind ourselves of this, we bring you a new series: Bwog Goes Deep, in which we find cool shit in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library and tell you about it.
Don’t expect to find pedophile-looking facial hair and bad polyester disco shirts because Bwog isn’t taking you back to 1968—we’re taking you back to 1868. Yes, yearbooks existed back then. No, there were none of those painfully hackneyed and more often than not, grossly farfetched superlatives (I’m looking at you, Most Likely to Win a Nobel Peace Prize). In fact, there aren’t even pictures of the students, but fear not, because Bwog did some digging, and found plenty of gems that are sure to please. Special thanks to the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, where these yearbooks are located and where there is a wonderful staff that will help you locate them.
- Le yearbook.
- Originally called “The Columbiad,” the yearbook would be renamed “The Columbian” the next year.
- Frat row (technically column).
- Google image velocipede.
- These guys decided what text to burn at the annual “Burial of the Ancient” ceremony.
- Some things never change.
- $30 today would be maybe two and a half Milano sandwiches.
- For the musically inclined.
- When intellectuals try to be funny, jokes about fried leaks are made.
- School of Mines(the predecessor to SEAS) with some cutting edge humor.
- For all of your pyromaniacal needs.
@Seth Low I was in the archives once and found that Seth Low had coordinated a Burial of the Ancients one year (I think it was typically done at the end of sophomore year). At any rate, it’s wild to think that this kid who, if you think about it, hosted a big book-burning would one day have a library names after him at the very same institution.
@asshole Low Library is named after Seth Low’s father.
@Oh balls. I thought I was on to something there. At any rate, thanks for clarifying!
@Anonymous …but it was built by him (Seth).
@alum nice. well done bwog. the burial of the ancient was a weird, though quite common ceremony of colleges in the 1800s. it also seemed to be a tradition at bard and yale, at the very least.
also, the eaturkey club seems like one of those fakey fake clubs that one creates just to get an extra page in the yearbook. glad to see that tradition is almost 150 years old.
@Anonymous “passers of drinks” in the eaturkey club. i’m into this, bwog.