If you don’t have the time to read the article above, here’s the rundown: Bwog is asking YOU, her pseudo-New Yorker readers to answer some questions about Columbia. Bwog will make beautiful maps based off of your answers, so please take the time to answer these questions. Alma Bwogger orders you to.
The Boroughs
Butler & Columbia Campus (Manhattan)
Below 114th on Broadway (Brooklyn)
Below 114th on Amsterdam (Queens)
Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (Staten Island)
EC & East of Amsterdam (Bronx)
The Questions
Which has the most yuppies?
Which has the most hipsters?
Which has the best bars?
Which has the best food?
Which has the worst food?
Which has the worst tourists?
Which has the most attractive people?
Which has the least attractive people?
Which is the most overpriced?
Which is the most underpriced?
Which has the best parties?
Which has the most yuppies?
Butler & Columbia Campus (42%, 205 Votes)
Below 114th on Broadway (27%, 131 Votes)
EC & East of Amsterdam (14%, 68 Votes)
Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (14%, 66 Votes)
Below 114th on Amsterdam (4%, 20 Votes)
Total Voters: 488
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Which has the best bars?
Below 114th on Amsterdam (51%, 255 Votes)
Below 114th on Broadway (43%, 215 Votes)
EC & East of Amsterdam (3%, 13 Votes)
Butler & Columbia Campus (2%, 11 Votes)
Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (0%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 496
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Which has the worst food?
Butler & Columbia Campus (65%, 322 Votes)
Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (16%, 78 Votes)
EC & East of Amsterdam (15%, 76 Votes)
Below 114th on Amsterdam (2%, 9 Votes)
Below 114th on Broadway (2%, 8 Votes)
Total Voters: 493
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Which has the most attractive people?
Butler & Columbia Campus (36%, 177 Votes)
Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (34%, 164 Votes)
Below 114th on Broadway (14%, 70 Votes)
EC & East of Amsterdam (14%, 66 Votes)
Below 114th on Amsterdam (2%, 10 Votes)
Total Voters: 487
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Which is the most overpriced?
Butler & Columbia Campus (49%, 216 Votes)
Below 114th on Broadway (43%, 186 Votes)
Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (5%, 21 Votes)
EC & East of Amsterdam (2%, 8 Votes)
Below 114th on Amsterdam (1%, 6 Votes)
Total Voters: 437
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Which has the best parties?
EC & East of Amsterdam (66%, 309 Votes)
Below 114th on Broadway (16%, 76 Votes)
Butler & Columbia Campus (8%, 38 Votes)
Below 114th on Amsterdam (6%, 26 Votes)
Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (3%, 16 Votes)
Total Voters: 465
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Which has the most hipsters?
Butler & Columbia Campus (39%, 204 Votes)
Below 114th on Amsterdam (25%, 128 Votes)
Below 114th on Broadway (14%, 71 Votes)
Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (13%, 68 Votes)
EC & East of Amsterdam (10%, 51 Votes)
Total Voters: 522
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Which has the best food?
Below 114th on Broadway (51%, 263 Votes)
Below 114th on Amsterdam (36%, 188 Votes)
Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (6%, 30 Votes)
EC & East of Amsterdam (4%, 20 Votes)
Butler & Columbia Campus (3%, 18 Votes)
Total Voters: 519
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Which has the worst tourists?
Butler & Columbia Campus (95%, 475 Votes)
Below 114th on Broadway (2%, 12 Votes)
Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (1%, 5 Votes)
EC & East of Amsterdam (1%, 5 Votes)
Below 114th on Amsterdam (0%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 499
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Which has the least attractive people?
Below 114th on Amsterdam (26%, 119 Votes)
EC & East of Amsterdam (25%, 116 Votes)
Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (24%, 112 Votes)
@Dafuq Does you fall off the edge after 119th? There are actually a lot of undergrads in housing above the end of campus. Way to alienate an entire subsection of students…
The purpose of Bwog’s comment section is to facilitate honest and open discussion between members of the Columbia community. We encourage commenters to take advantage of—without abusing—the opportunity to engage in anonymous critical dialogue with other community members.
A comment may be moderated if it contains:
A slur—defined as a pejorative derogatory phrase—based on ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or spiritual belief
@Dafuq Does you fall off the edge after 119th? There are actually a lot of undergrads in housing above the end of campus. Way to alienate an entire subsection of students…
@This is Latte Who else would brag about being from Staten Island? =p
@BSGS Way to reinforce the idea that we live in a bubble…
@Anonymous hey u forgot everything above 120th street
@yeah that’s where all of the real yuppies live now
@Van Owen The Barnard campus is really underpriced. Those girls need better self-esteem.
@Poor college student lol can anything be underpriced?
@Anonymous “Created by Paint X”
@could you make it a poll? this is a little too tedious to fill out and makes me too aware of all the work I’m not doing.
maybe more importantly, it’ll be really difficult to read in pseudo-real time as people respond.
@Alexandra You’re right! We’ve updated the post thusly.
@staten island #statenislandbornandraised #guidolyfe4ever
@Me too Wait there’s more of us here????? (If you went to tech/ a school outside of SI you don’t count)
@This Latte I went to tech and have lived in oakwood since forever. It counts bro .
@Latte Is that you?
@yes this is Latte who else would brag about staten island?