We all know that everyone is scraping along those final dollars until you go home and make your parents buy your coffee for you subsidize your spending needs. Also, it can be a little embarrassing to go home to mom and only bring home a couple disappointing C’s and new notches on your belt. To help you unleash your creative side and make some cute crafts, Momma Bwog got the Craft Circle together and put together a list of DIY gifts to give this holiday season. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.
- Go down to the liquor store and buy a shit ton of nips to just throw into baggies for friends
- Find a christmas tree coloring book page online and color it in (STAYING IN THE LINES Y’ALL!) for mom
- Rip up all of your notes after finals, stick them in a jar, and call it a snow globe
- Mix cd of finals playlist so your moms can experience all of the embarrassing 90s era Eminem you’ve been blasting for the past two weeks. Here’s how to make them.
- Give your dad that pack of pens you bought at the beginning of the semester but still have not opened
- Homemade hot cocoa kits
- On that note, homemade cookie mix in a mason jar
- Print out your longest final paper and at the top write “Dedicated to Mom & Dad” / whoever
- Make a collage out of the different delivery menus you accrue over reading week
- Learn to knit, but do so poorly. Run out of time and gift a half-scarf, promising completion later in the year but never actually delivering
- Print out pictures of cute kittens / whatever, color them with highlighters, mount them on cardstock (because that makes anything look respectable) and make a poster with motivational messages
- Buy up a bunch of old unidentified records, the kind that are $1 at used bookstores and use a hairdryer to mold it into a bowl or something like the ones they sell at tacky tchotchke shops
- 3D print something
- Put those bottle caps to good use, and immortalize the drunken finals haze in a work of art loved ones will treasure forever!
- Regress to kindergarten when you had no money. Make coupons.
“You get one free hug today” coupon.“I will clean my room” coupon.“I won’t cry when you forget to DVR my show” coupon.
The tenth way of knowing via Shutterstock