Class of 2014, have you finished paying off your school loans? Not yet you say? Well come to this years Spring Semester Senior Fund Kickoff anyways so that you can “give back to Columbia College.”
Columbia College Senior Fund 2014 is being held tonight at 7:30pm at the Columbia Alumni Center. At the event, Dean Valentini will be speaking about the 3-2-1 Challenge, which encourages members of the senior class to make a gift of $20.14 for 3 years and encourage two friends to do the same to have these gifts matched 1:1 by an alumnus.
And one must not forget that “the most important part of this initiative is to educate our class about giving back to Columbia. As a private educational institution, Columbia depends on past, present, and future alumni support. Senior Fund enables the Class of 2014 to set a precedent for annual giving and to help support the goals of the undergraduate college fund.”
So even though you have no hopes of paying off your bills in the next decade, please come and add to them. If you want to donate, but don’t want to schmooze, you can donate here.
- Give us money please k thx
Senior Fund love via Facebook event
@sophomore i want to donate!!! i can’t wait to be a senior!!
@I'll give you something Columbia …………../´¯/)…………..(\¯`\
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@recent alum Because $200k in tuition isn’t enough…… Maybe discard some of the bureaucracy and you might not need enough money
@Anonymous Senior fund solicitors are actually the most annoying people at Columbia period.
@Anonymous true
@student with loans lol funny because i’m pretty sure 90% of people on senior fund are loan-less