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Ben Kornick’s spot as CCSC 2016 representative was up for the grabs Sunday night, when Daphne Chen announced Kornick’s resignation from his position for “personal reasons.” CCSC just released a statement announcing that the elections to fill the vacancy will be direct, and that interested candidates can register here.

A major issue in the recent deliberations between Daphne Chen and the Class of 2016 council members was choosing between the speed of an indirect election and grander ideals for direct representation. A member noted that indirect elections would have allowed the new representative the longest time in office (we’re already a month into classes) and would have arguably made it easier on the Elections Board to manage its workload, with general elections coming up at the end of March and beginning of April. Members generally regard direct elections as the best option, but a bit impractical. Last semester’s announcement that Cleo Abram’s University Senate seat would filled by indirect election caused a bit of an uproar; the CCSC backpedaled to make election direct, and Marc Heinrich eventually won. So good call, CCSC.

Read the full statement, if you want.

voting on things via Shutterstock