The filming on College Walk and Broadway between 116th and 117th today is for Still Alice. According to IMDB, it’s based on a novel by the same name about a (Columbia?) professor who discovers she’s suffering from Alzheimer’s, and co-stars Kristen Stewart and Alec Baldwin.
Please send your stealth pics of the celebs to so we can all bask in their glory.
- Acting
- Waiting to shoot
- Julianne looking at her footage
- Is KStew under that tarp?
- That says “Still Alice”!
- The director looking at Julianne on camera
- pretending to jog?
- very cold
Also, throwback to when KStew was on campus last semester.
@Dat picture of her being cold Excellent meme material. ‘sall I’m sayin.
@Dr. Lecter Hello, Clarice.
@So... it’s WIT with OA Alzheimer’s then?
@sad alum who loved 30 rock but i see this woman’s face and i think “I’ll try, wicked haahhd, yah cahh is ovah thayuh”