Emma Sulkowicz, CC ’15 and Zoe Ridolfi-Starr CC, ’15 spoke yesterday at a press conference with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand about Columbia’s sexual policies. The Senator is hoping to increase federal funding to combat campus sexual assault. (CBS New York, Fox NY)
Joe Biden…or Twitter superhero? (Politico)
Well, we guess this means no more mile-high tequila shots. Damn. (Gawker)
And here we are including the Spectator Publishing Company’s Courses@CU in Bwoglines. We’re not doing a story on it. (Courses@CU)
Is this really the best use of our legal resources? Probs. (Gothamist)
RIP limes via Shutterstock
@CC 15 Ugh, what kind of creep/bad person downvotes something like this?
@CC 15 Re: the first two comments.
@no limes on planes?!?! what?!?!
@Inspired Emma and Zoe are so inspiring. What they did was really brave!! Much love<3
@Friend Emma and Zoe, I’m so proud of you for your bravery and dedication to this important topic!