We’re not usually in the business of endorsements, but, then again, this year the CC University Senator position has already taken us on on a roller coaster of emotions. To scientifically choose who we would endorse for the seat, we photoshopped the candidates’ faces onto Roaree in the wild. Sadly, some just couldn’t measure up to what our school needs. For the CC USenate position, we endorse:


Ramis Wadood, CCSC 2016 President for the past two years, and current Senate Staffer.

From the debates and our meeting with him, we can see that Ramis has the experience working in the University Senate and with its members to actually effect change. His work as a Senate staffer would allow him to be practical about what can be accomplished in the Senate—as his opponents have run on platforms for initiatives that are already being pursued or aren’t practical at the moment—yet “innovative,” as we see in his platform below.

Frankly, it’s disheartening to see candidates argue that the QOL survey doesn’t do much, when it has already helped drive the creation of gender-neutral bathrooms in Lerner and other buildings. Sure, surveys are worthless if you stare at them, but they both find problems and provide the statistics to back up student initiatives that Low administrators hold so dear to their heart. We like that Ramis was a key part of this QOL Survey, and know he is capable of helping out again next year in the creation of the second survey. Ramis considers the survey to be a strong tool for student advocacy, and we agree. The cold façade of Low can’t ignore public data, and can be won over, as we have seen, when facts and stories are spotlighted.

We support Ramis’ platform, which we outline below (see our elections guide for a more detailed platform):

  • CPS inadequacies
    • Finding a safe and central location for after-hours services, with disability access
    • Clinician training; increasing support for LGBTQ and minority students
    • Interim measures, like more accessible locations and raising awareness
  • Financial aid for international students
  • Cross-registration

As we’ve shown above, Ramis would also wear the Roaree suit best, and that’s what we want in our University Senator.