As if you don’t love the American Museum of Natural History enough on its own, the 4th Annual AMNH Scavenger Hunt is coming up on Saturday, April 19th. Whether you frequent the museum or haven’t been since FroSci, this is a great chance to visit. To sweeten the deal, everybody gets free cupcakes from the swanky Magnolia Bakery and the chance to win prizes.
If you sign up your group by Friday, April 11th, you get the chance to win gift cards and movie tickets. You know you want to go see Captain America.
The hunt is organized by Columbia University Residential Programs. The RAs of West Campus will meet you at 10 am on the 19th at the 116th Street Gates.
So get on it. Fetch some friends, think of a witty team name, and get your scavenge on.
Sprinkly and delicious via Shutterstock
@Anonymous I love, love, love this event. Captain America, here we come!
@Scavenger Hunt Lover I have attended this event for the last two years and am so excited for it this year! Props to the awesome RA Rebecca Gibson for running it!