What’s a pirate’s favorite astronomical object? – a stARRRR; What’s a pirate’s favorite place to drink? – a bARRRRR; What’s a pirate’s favorite mode of transportation? (scroll over for answer)
Fall registration is upon us, so we’ve compiled a set of classes that are probably awesome but are definitely oddly-titled. We’re almost certain they have an ambiguous practical application. That said, it’s a privilege to attend a university that can offer such amenities as wild classes for its undergrads, and if we can’t take them, we might as well laugh about them. Also, if you take Food Writing, please let us know if there are field trips.
English W3965x Food Writing
History BC3180 Merchants, Pirates, & Slaves
HIST BC 3305x Bodies and Machines
ENGL W3950x Poetics of the Warrior
ENGL W3967x Radical Poetries
HRTS W3950x Human Rights and Human Wrongs
CPLS V3960x Foundations of Narrative Medicine: Giving and Receiving Accounts of Self
RUSS V3332x Scary Stories
CLSL W4995x Assimilation and Its Discontents
ANTH V3939x The Anime Effect
ANTH V3949x Sorcery and Magic
RELI W4815x Technology, Religion, Future
COMS W431x Computer Vision
COMS E6121x Reliable Software
ANTH V3926x Rewriting Modernity: Transculturation and the Postcolonial Intellectual
CLGR 4207x Aesthetics Under Siege
ANTH 6028G Mastery of Non-Mastery
ANTH 6049G Arts of Magic, Arts of Possession
ANTH 6047G Debating Nature
Pirates don’t drive cARRs via Shutterstock
@oil there’s an english class about representations of OIL in literature
@Sailor Alma Mater That anime effect class though… would def take that
@Anonymous Computer Vision is some seriously hard core mindfuck CS/math stuff. Def legit.
@Anonymous Every semester BWOG posts this same thoughtless column it comes across as condescending and stigmatizes in an almost atavistic way. I realize that many Columbians only want a job and could care less about getting an education, but the environment of inter-departmental hostility that this post foments undercuts the essential point of the university setting: fostering free and open debate. Could we possibly put a little bit more thought into how harmful this sort of stigmatization of knowledge is, BWOG?
@Bwog not BWOG Excellent troll effort. 9/11.
@Anonymous Poetics of the Warrior is really legit. It’s just a course on military literature. Nothing too out there.
@BC '14 I took Merchants, Pirates, & Slaves and it was a pretty solid look into the trans-Atlantic world. Definitely one of my favorite classes.
@uhhh Merchants, Pirates, and Slaves was actually super awesome. Interesting look at trans-Atlantic economies, readings included a lot of unique slave narratives, and we also got to write a paper about Master & Commander sooo
Plus, if Carl Wennerlind is still teaching it, he’s a total babe.
@2015 omg i love CW. so cute, and he sometimes accidentally tucks his pants into his socks, which, for some reason, i find to be the most adorable thing.
@Anonymous Congratulations to the anthropology department for winning this semester’s Mickey Mouse award!
I kid…
@Don't forget ANTH G4116 “Who Cares”
@rewriting modernity is the furthest possible thing from “underwater basket-weaving”…. c’mon y’all
@Anonymous “definitely oddly-titled.” still has a bullshit name, which is the point. i’m sure they’re all actually worthwhile and challenging classes.