Aaat last, the press coverage we deserve has come along


The New York Times published a piece on sexual assault, featuring the issues at Columbia and quotes from actual students who have filed complaints. If Columbia’s administrators won’t talk about it, the Times will. (NY Times)

It’s been too long since we saw a bunch of famous people, particularly the president, try to be funny. We can always count on the White House Correspondence Dinner to put a somewhat forced smile on our face. (Deadline)

Some rich guy made a lot of money off a horse and everyone got to wear big hats and drink. (USA Today)

Twitter is finally figuring out how to do what Facebook does with the unfollow button. Soon you will be able to “mute” followers from their annoying tweets. Ugh, we all have the problem of having too many followers. (Tech Times)

“Successful woman online” via Shutterstock