Grasping towards the sun is the only way to actually reach the administration. That and Bwog.

Grasping towards the sun is the only way to reach the administration. That and Bwog.

Thy people grumbled, and thy Administration said Give It Time. And thy new NINJa printer system continued to fail. And Bwog received many tips about it.

And so thy administration, in the form of Eleanor E. Templeton, Director of Strategic Communications, released the following to Bwog:

Despite careful analysis and advance planning, multiple challenges have led us to decide to roll back to the original NINJa system. We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration that the upgrade caused.

Restoring of all of the NINJa printing stations is almost complete with remaining sites addressed by early next week. We have already begun an assessment to identify a printing solution that will better meet the needs of our students.

And there was much rejoicing.


Hand gesturing to the heavens via Shutterstock