The Snappening is coming for you. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife. And put your clothes back on before you send a picture.
Columbia’s favorite new girl Amanda Bynes has been placed in the psych ward after accusing her innocent father of verbal and sexual abuse on Twitter. Guess we won’t be running into her on College Walk next September? (USA Today)
The Pakistani education activist Malala Yousafzai and the Indian children’s rights activist Kailash Satyarthi have been jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. See the rest of the 2014 Nobel winners here! (Voice of America)
Travelers coming from West Africa will be screened at Kennedy airport in an effort to stop the continuation of the spread of Ebola. (CBC News)
Thousands of snapchats have reportedly been leaked online (again) by some third party hacker, and many people have very explicit photos of themselves (again) on the internet. Kids, don’t sext! By the way, this event has been dubbed, “The Snappening.” (Sydney Morning Herald)
Your grandmother’s worst nightmare via Shutterstock
@Anonymous Why did you include “innocent”?
@Alum Maybe because she later recanted (bizarrely):
“My dad never did any of those things,” she tweeted this afternoon. “The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he’s the one that ordered them to microchip me.”