Where is Madam Pince when you need her? @Hogwarts do you have transfer apps? Your library is sooo much quieter ughhhhhzzz
Power procrastinator Robert Sheardown decided to use Butler for a social experiment rather than studying. Think Columbians take their studying way too seriously? Find out what happens when precious Butler’s silence (lol is Butler ever REALLY silent?) is interrupted.
Butler Library – serene, peaceful, studious, and apparently impervious to the sound of Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda blasting through the reading room. In the name of improving cultural understanding, we set out to the fourth floor of Butler ready to broadcast what can only be called audio porn. From the moment the beat began it was clear that these Butler-ites wanted this Anaconda. Not a single person said anything in the 45 seconds the song played, despite the echoing declarations that certain things were bigger than towers. We hypothesise that it must have been Minaj’s auto-tuned cackling/sexy laugh, the suggestive dripping noise in the background, or the jello-textured behinds of the women in the video that encouraged people to let the song run (perhaps some of them were the infamous Butler masturbators who would have very much enjoyed it). Even when we moved to a small study room and Minaj declared she “ain’t missing no meals”, the only complaint was that we were talking too loudly, not that the song was distracting. Apparently having someone tell you that she has “a big fat a**” helps you focus.
Moving Portrait via Harry Potter Wikipedia
@confused pt. 2 who did these tags?! #no
@Anonymous Informed consent is sexy!
@confused wait this title is so irrelevant…