Speaker of the House John Boehner, fearing the political effects of a another government shutdown, has proposed a ‘largely symbolic’ vote on legislation that would dismantle President Obama’s Executive Order on immigration, in order to more easily pass this years budget. (New York Times)
This Congressional failure to embrace the legislation has been estimated to cost the government $37 million a day in new tax revenue. The Washington Post explores the reasoning behind this number. (The Washington Post)
Meanwhile, 17 states, led by Texas, are suing President Obama over his attempted immigration reform. (NPR)
Yesterday, President Obama released a statement explaining his actions and the importance of immigration reform now. (The White House Blog)
Tired of immigration in our country? Swiss voters recently rejected a referendum that would have capped immigration at 0.2% of the population–such a harsh cap is unfortunately likely, though, because they passed immigration legislation only slightly less dramatic earlier in the year. (The Economist)
“Give me your tired, your poor” via Shutterstock