We received two tips earlier today after students witnessed Law and Order: SVU cast and crew filming an episode near campus. Continue to send us information of what’s going on around this part of town by emailing us at tips@bwog.com.
Tip #1: “Law and Order SVU is currently filming the ‘protesting outside of Prezbo’s house’ scene for their Mattress Girl episode. [They are] filming at 147 Claremont Ave.”
Tip #2: “Law and Order SVU filming Columbia episode near campus.” This tip also included a photo of the scene, which can be found below:
- Camera operators, actors, extras, etc. all spotted
@This is not a BFD, they’re filming around campus (mainly UTS) all the time
@Anonymous Where is that photo from, Riverside Park?
@Anonymous Sakura Park on the Claremont Avenue side, north of 122nd St and next to International House.