The aftermath of the murder of Boris Nemstov in Russia continues, which brings uncomfortable culture-profiling validity to House of Cards’ Putin-counterpart and the Pussy-Riot-like band he invited to dine (and dash) with President Underwood. (Reuters)
There’s no comfort of hiding behind a computer screen for 6,000 Chinese Internet users after the government removed and disabled their pseudonym usernames from entry into portals this weekend. The impetus for real names to replace nonsensical letter and character combinations is, most importantly, stripping Chinese teens from the rite of passage of having pubescent, semi-sexual conversations in chat rooms. (The Tech Portal)
Bloggers who use Google Blogger as their internet platform of expression will now have their unlimited venting rights taken away if their blogs sport any “sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video.” (ZD Net)
The local police of a small Western Mass town deleted a Facebook page that promoted a fundraising event called the “Polar Plunge,” where a canine-resident of Wilbraham, Massachusetts entered freezing cold water with a spectator following. Bottom line, no consent for this dog’s long-delayed ice bucket challenge makes this reek of animal cruelty. (WTKR News)
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