An ode to the chairs helping us get through each day on campus.
- “Lerner chairs have a special place in my heart. I found $5 in this chair one time. And last year, I snoozed post-surf and turf. So many good memories.”
- John Stratton Hawley, Religion Department Chair (Barnard)
- Barnard Tunnels offer “chairs” for travelers
- Lisa Tiersten, History Department Chair (Barnard)
- Taking your anger out to the undeserving chairs in Diana LL2
- Julia Hirschberg, Computer Science Department Chair (Columbia)
- Ivy League, fire-side chat chairs in Brooks Lounge
- Elisabeth Ladenson, French and Romantic Philology Department Chair (Columbia)
- “Butler 401, my home away from home.”
- Deborah Steiner, Classics Department Chair (Columbia)
- Sitting on this (Altschul) chair with no handlebars
- Sharon Harrison, Economics Department Chair (Barnard)
- A chair is such a generous gift to the 4th floor of Barnard Hall, Class of 1925
- Henry Pinkham, Mathematics Department Chair (Columbia)
- “The Carman lounge chair that’s almost always broken <3”
- Cher of the chairs
@BUT WHY no butler lounge booths!!!?!
@CS Major Professor Hirschberg is basically the best.
@Anonymous Taylor G is BC
@Anonymous way too much barnard lol