Okay, Columbia students. This is it. The day you’ve been preparing for all week – no, all semester – no, all of your life. All of the sleepless nights spent in Butler, the points spent on Blue Java, the mountains of index cards spent on terms you’ll never need to know after college, it’s all been for this.
Because today is Midterm Day. That one, dreadful day on the academic calendar upon which every single midterm must take place.
Why does Columbia have all of its midterms on one day? Which terrible dean sanctioned this? What fresh hell did this nightmare emerge from?
You don’t know. You are only a lowly undergraduate, and it is not for you to question the lofty administration’s decisions. All you can do is bow your head, sling your backpack over your shoulder, and trudge off to your first exam. You can only hope that those three cups of Redbull-infused coffee you downed this morning will be enough to get you through this unbelievably long day.
(Good luck on your midterms, Columbia. Today or otherwise.)
Dangerous quantities of coffee via Shutterstock
1 Comment
@Anonymous This joke has been around longer than most administrators