Us playing some Drake while getting hummus

Us playing some Drake while getting hummus

We have all noticed Ferris’s inconsistent music patterns—from soul-soothing piano acoustics to baby-making R&B, you have spent countless hours in the pasta line thinking, “how the hell did they come up with the playlist today?” Wonder no more. Sandy, the Ferris kitchen manager, has recently revealed the mysterious DJ’s identity to me in a short interview: it’s the students. She explained the Ferris staff usually asks students in line for food which genre of music is their favorite, selecting playlists based on their responses.

So, the next time you find yourself struggling through a brutal country playlist, you will have no one but your fellow peers to blame. If you want to change things up, Ferris even offers some guest DJ spots to students. I’ll be DJing from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM during dinner tonight.

The dude who always reaches for the aux chord via Shutterstock