Has it been your dream since birth to be one of the Seinfeld gang? Well, the show ended years ago (and was fictional) so you may be a little delusional. But you CAN have the next best thing—Thanksgiving dinner at Tom’s (a.k.a. Seinfeld’s famed Monk’s Diner)! For only $29, you can enjoy the most Seinfeld-ian experience possible: Thanksgiving dinner alone (or with some other sad-sack freshmen who forgot to book their tickets home on time) in New York City. Jerry would surely approve.
Ketchup on Turkey? via Shutterstock
1 Comment
@Anonymous See Tom the Turkey http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VY0iaSojtkU/TOKgWr_4sTI/AAAAAAAAGFg/htPoYKl2EeI/s1600/tom+the+turkey.png