If you think Bwog is the exemplar of hard-hitting journalism, just look at Fox news! They covered the all-important annual crisis: do Reese’s Special Edition “Christmas Tree” peanut butter cups really look like turds, or is that just our imagination? (Fox News)
It’s never too early to plan your spring break! May we humbly suggest a trip to Florida? On a completely unrelated note, five marijuana dispensaries were recently approved to open in the sunny state. (High Times)
Tom Brady moved up the ranks to third place in the list of all passing scores after making his 420th touchdown. Maybe he’ll celebrate in Florida? (Fox Sports)
Dunks? Dunkies? Dunkaroos? Whatever you call it, Dunkin’ Donuts is one of the reasons you decided to come to college in NYC, don’t deny it. The frnachise is now expanding to St. Louis with the help of NFL-player advocates! Also, never call it Dunkaroos. Please. (Biz Journals)
Mmmm, Donuts via Shutterstock