Shrey Jasani brings us our next Senior Wisdom, and he has some pretty timely advice. As many of us trudge through our last few finals, dying from excess consumption of Redbull and other stimulants, take a moment to absorb Shrey’s words of wisdom. He might save you from destruction.
Name, School, Major, Hometown: Shrey Jasani, SEAS, Operations Research: Emergency Major Switch, Dubaiiiiii, UAE
Claim to fame: Hunted down the elusive Prezbo at every Fun Run and took a picture with him (Bwog published it my sophomore year); not much otherwise, just your average friendly guy.
Where are you going? Temporarily, gonna be a working far from Columbia in a little town called Midtown until I can figure something out and start out on my own.
What are 3 things you learned at Columbia and would like to share with the Class of 2019?
- Power of smiling, always! This will evolutionarily equip you to make more friends, be pleasant, and fool yourself into believing you’re happy.
- Think less! I’ve made tons of mistakes overthinking things, and doing less. Examples are overthinking student group commitments and not joining some awesome clubs freshman year, thinking I have too much work and not going out.
- All nighters suck; never do them. Stress is not the natural state of humans, so just don’t take any. Life works out.
In the end, Columbia’s true value is its social and academic experience, so don’t waste time and just maximize along these constraints and do your thang!
Back in my day… JJ’s was a bar
Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer: Drunk Roti Roll post-1020, period!
What was your favorite class at Columbia? Through many trials and errors, I’ve learned that classes are only good insofar the professor is a rockstar. So I’m giving my favorite professors: Karl Sigman (IEOR), Sid Dastidar (IEOR), David Vallancourt (EE), Magdalena Baczewska (Music Hum), Sunil Gulati (Econ), Sheldon Weinig (retired, *sob*)
Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese? Both; both are material trappings.
One thing to do before graduating: When you’re a senior, give back as much help to other students as you can. You were probably fortunate to have received the same, so it will be your turn now, even when it’s inconvenient. Mentorship is an amazing legacy you can leave behind.
Any regrets? Graduating early, why oh why…someone fix the US immigration system.
Photo provided by Shrey Jasani, Wise Conqueror of Material Trappings
@poopoo poopoopoopoopoo
@Andre “not much otherwise, just your average friendly guy” bahahaha classic Shrey
@Durk Classic Andre saying “classic”
@Anonymous hi durk
@BK ya trolls
@Anonymous BK!! hi its PK
@Anonymous wise words birenkumar!
@Anon 16 “Both are material trappings” – I lost it. Spoken like a true Jain. Kids, pay attention to this guy.. He’s going places.
@Anonymous a true Jain
@Anonymous shreyt outta columbia
@Anonymous he’s the best!!