A Columbia “pre-med student” is garnering internet fame after allegedly using a Macbook charger and headphones to falsify pictures of a hospital visit. He apparently was attempting to skip a midterm, however we don’t know if he actually skipped the midterm or what class it was for. (Daily Mail)
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was sure not to skip a a visit to Burundi, where a crisis over President Pierre Nkurunziza’s repeated candidacy erupted in 400 deaths and 240,000 people fleeing the country. (UN)
Don’t miss the highlights of the Mobile World Congress this week in Barcelona. Developers are releasing details of 5G networks—to be released in 2018 at the Winter Olympics in South Korea. 5G aims to connect everything from smartphones to industrials machines to drones to self-driving cars. (RT)
More investors can skip going to the New York Stock Exchange with the updating of the NYSE platform to a new system, called Pillar. The new platform should alter the algorithms which determine the matching of trades. (NYSE)
Frankie Muniz and dog via Jeanne Louise Bulliard, CC by Warner Bros