In dedication to our favorite anti-urbanite and American hero, Ted Cruz, we present cities in all their glory:
Another day, another slashing. Yesterday, a man waiting for the No. 3 train at the Pennsylvania Ave. / Livonia Ave. station was attacked by a schizophrenic man wielding a knife. This continuation of a troubling trend makes us long for the pristine American heartland. (New York Daily News)
In Communist New York (aka London), a law student is suing Nestle for selling her a KitKat sans wafer; her demand for a lifetime supply of the wafer-full treat resonates with us. (Daily Mail)
Congresswoman Candace Miller has proposed a $1 billion plan to replace the lead pipelines in Flint, Michigan, where an experiment in neoliberalism went awry. Meanwhile, former city Emergency Manager Darnell Earley has refused to testify at the Flint House hearing. (Detroit Free Press, Detroit News)
Donald Trump, the embodiment of New York values, has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. (Washington Times)