Thinking about the work we should be doing today, but won't start until tomorrow.

Thinking about the work we should be doing today, but won’t start until tomorrow.

Manhattan Supreme Court judge denies Kesha grounds to terminate her contract with Sony despite being nearly required to work with her alleged rapist, Dr. Luke. (MTV News)

Two girls used a wooden stick, a TV set, a computer printer and a coffee table to murder a British woman before asking cops to drive them home. (New York Daily News)

Harper Lee, author of American literature classic To Kill a Mockingbird, passed at age 89. Her death followed shortly after the release of her highly anticipated sequel, Go Set a Watchman. (USA Today)

Watch Shia Labeouf spend 24 hours in an elevator at Oxford University wearing an inside out Disney sweatshirt.



Sad-ia Labeouf via Wikimedia Commons