Valentine’s Day—or Gal-entine’s Day, or Bro-entine’s Day—is coming soon, with a panicky need to get your significant other/bro/gal a gift. But all the cliché stuff is either expensive or, well, cliché. That’s why Bwog has pulled together a list of more…unconventional gifts to entrance your Valentine come the 14th.
- a five dollar love message from the the Columbia Wind Ensemble, with options including Hotline Bling, Want to Want Me, My Girl, and A Whole New World
- a book filled with Frida Kahlo post cards
- a free book from the Altschul Atrium
- as many cheap stuffed bears sold at Duane Reade as possible
- a free back rub from Stress Busters
- a flower bouquet that, if properly translated according to the Victorian language of flowers, reads “Your love is reciprocated, but I fear death on the morrow and also I know that you slept with your french teacher last semester”
- adopt a panda through the WWF, cute certificate included
- free sleep masks/ear plugs, condoms, “dental dams,” lube, chap stick, and stress balls from John Jay Health Services
- dinner + a show—aka swipe into JJs place, then watch a protest on the sundial together
- a Nintendo DS charger and/or a Smash4 cartridge
- a fake
- treats for small pets/specifically small dogs
- a hand drawn picture of your s.o.’s/friend’s/crush’s celebrity crush
- a yarn condom and yarn condom accessories
- a cookie cake celebrating Earth Day
- “oregano” brownie, to share
Yarn romance via Gosh Yarn It Facebook page