What (some of) Bwog will be crying over today.

What (some of) Bwog will be crying over today.

Today is Michigan’s Republican and Democratic Primaries. Be prepared for a barrage of targeted political ads, out-of-context soundbites, and diatribes from your Facebook “friends.” At least the excitement will keep your mind off midterms. (MichiganLive)

If the Primaries aren’t keeping your mind off your next big test, perhaps the threat of worldwide nuclear devastation will. Okay, maybe North Korea is just posturing again in a never ending game of political brinksmanship, but Kim Jong-un sounds really angry this time. (CNN)

If you’re more into constructing peace rather than destroying it, maybe the possibility of peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban will excite you. The Taliban claims they will refuse to talk until foreign troops leave Afghanistan and Taliban’s leaders are removed from blacklists, but, hey, everything has to start somewhere. (Reuters)

Maybe you just need some good music to stop thinking about midterms. Well, you’re in luck. Bob Dylan is coming to Forest Hills Stadium over the Summer to perform. The last time he played Forest Hills, he “went electric” to the jeering of his Folk-loving audience. We’re sure he’ll get a better reception this time. (Gothamist)

Veni, vidi, mortuus sum via Oleg/CC BY 2.0