Minus this very interesting photo, we know how talented, subtle, and composed Benjamin Kornick is. Which is why we gave him a senior wisdom. So that now, the world will, too. But the question remains: Did he ruin Bacch, or did he save it?
Name, School, Major, Hometown: Benjamin Kornick, CC, Sociology with concentrations in Political Science (pending Republicanism paper completion) and Business Management, Roslyn, NY
Claim to fame: I ruined Bacchanal.
Where are you going? To the lobby. My Seamless order is here.
What are 3 things you learned at Columbia and would like to share with the Class of 2020?
1) Well, talking about relationships, the most important thing I found out was the importance of living your life. Columbia can be the most stressful school in the country if you make it the most stressful school in the country. In the words of my idol, Kanye West, “My life is dope and I do dope shit.” College will be far more exciting and enjoyable if you make a concerted effort to do dope shit and surround yourselves with dope people who share that same goal. I may not have been the Valedictorian, but I can say with confidence that I got the most out of this school and New York City as I possibly could have in four years. Of course, academics are important, but go to as many concerts, Broadway shows, museums, and random food spots as you can because going to college in the greatest city in the world should not be taken for granted.
2) As many know, I have had my bouts with administration. I think there are a select few that really do want to make our experience here as great as it can be, while most are just looking after themselves and the liabilities at stake. The cancellation of fall Bacchanal taught me a very valuable lesson – get everything in writing. Decisions can be reversed immediately and administrators go back on their word all the time.
3) Lastly, if the law school seems locked… swipe your card a second time and hit the button to automatically open the door. It probably works — 75% all of the time.
“Back in my day…” CCSC events were still better attended than protests, PrezBo still had an office, and getting a therapist was being added to the Core.
Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer. I’ve been honored to work really hard to organize an event that brings together Columbia as a community through the beauty of alcohol, I mean music.
What was your favorite class at Columbia? Social World with Shamus Khan. Seriously everyone should take it but only with Shamus. Also, take anything Sudhir Venkatesh teaches.
Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese? I’d rather give up oral sex because cheese never asks me to go down on it.
One thing to do before graduating: Go to everything at least once. Obviously I am partial to a certain event (cough cough–Bacchanal), but seriously everyone is doing such cool things and I am proud to say I feel I’ve gotten to go to at least one of everything – a show from CMTS, the ballet in Riverside Church courtesy of CUBE, far too many CCSC giveaways, CSC’s Night Market, and the fencing team at an away match. Whether the event is run by an official organization, or just classmates being entrepreneurial and doing their own thing, make sure you don’t get too wrapped up in what you are doing that you miss what everyone else is doing.
Any regrets? I didn’t post the picture after sleeping with my favorite bacchanal headliner. ;)
Probably not the picture he’s talking about… via Benjamin Kornick
@wait did ben kornick bang flaxo??
@Anonymous Ben actually ruined Bacch. Nice guy but Bacch was the worst this year ever. Shitty lineup but props for fighting administration.
@Anonymous Ben got a lot of shit! Honestly didn’t know why he didn’t call it quits after junior year. I hope he makes it big with Michael Blume!
@Wow. “Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese?
I’d rather give up oral sex because cheese never asks me to go down on it.”
Scientifically speaking, this is the douchiest possible way to answer this question, Congratulations, Ben. You’re terrible.
@Seriously? It’s a joke… chill
@z2 ^ The War on Fun continues…
@CC Actually the worst answer. I feel sorry for your boyfriend/girlfriend. Nobody likes a selfish lover.
@z ben is one of the realest and smartest people at columbia. people don’t realize how much he did for bacchanal, when the administration wanted to completely cancel it two years in a row. v under-appreciated guy and this school will be missing someone great when he (and bacchanal) are gone.
@Anonymous I’m fine with the guy, but I doubt you could find me referring to him as “one of the smartest people at columbia”
@cc16 Ben Kornick, you are my hero.
@Anonymous “getting a therapist was being added to the Core.”
pls explain
@Anonymous OH, I get it. The whole student wellness club thing.
@"CCSC events were still better attended than protests" So real. Thanks for the wisdom Ben!