We wouldn't be surprised if Butler looked like this one day

We wouldn’t be surprised if Butler looked like this one day

The internet access of thousands of LinkNYC kiosks installed in the city last winter (intended to provide New Yorkers with a place to check the map or the weather, make a phone call, or charge their phones) will soon be switched off. People have been taking advantage of the kiosks to play loud music, consume drugs, and watch porn. And apparently this is surprising? (NY Times)

The New Hampshire Union Leader, a local NH paper, isn’t backing the Republican presidential nominee for the first time in a century. A recent editorial scorned Trump and instead promotes Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, as “a bright light of hope and reason.” (CBS)

Last week, ITT Technical Institutes (a technical institute with over 100 campuses around the country) unexpectedly closed. Now, its former students are refusing to pay their student loans, claiming that ITT lied to them. (Boston Globe)

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the former president of Brazil, is has been charged with corruption, accused of engineering a massive scheme to keep his party in power. And the current administration is facing similar (albeit smaller scale) accusations. (NY Times)

New Samsung Note 7 phones have been catching on fire when they’re plugged in for charging. And it’s not just because of their owners’ incredible mixtapes. (CNET)

A landscape of betrayal via Wiki Commons