It’s the beginning of week three, and we’re already tired of acting all serious to impress our shopping-period professors. Some spent the weekend channelling their inner kid, from Harambe Night at Mel’s (why) to playing dress up. Others spent the weekend trying to move on up, past university, and trying their hands at typical adult behavior. It went… ok.
Monkeying Around
- Stood in line at 1020 for like half an hour when all of a sudden a literal waterfall came from the apartment above and soaked the entire line (but mostly me).
- Spoke Spanish more fluently than I have in months, while drunk at Amigo’s – subsequently was offered free drinks for the entire night because of this.
- Didn’t go to a dining hall once this week.
- Went to a St. A’s party for the first time and was extremely disappointed with the hype.
- Tipsily ran up my friend’s fire escape and onto her roof. Two men were sent after us.
- Celebrated officially finishing my huge summer writing project with a tequila shot (my first ever.)
- Went all the way from Plimpton to 116th and Broadway to get a gyro from the 116th halal guy.
- While walking home at 3am from a hookup… 1. Was whistled at by a bunch of white Columbia boys sitting on the benches on the island on Broadway and 2. Ran into my first-year roommate, who said “we’ve come so far!”
- Went to Smorgasburg. Ate a delicious pulled pork sandwich and doughnut.
- Peed in men’s restroom at 1020 (I am a girl); possibly used a urinal but I don’t remember
- Thought my hangover could not get worse until I watched the snowden movie
- Was my most extra self as usual
- Cried more than I ever have in my life in Tom’s over a plate of chicken fingers.
Moving On Up
- Canceled my Spotify (student) subscription so that I could get 1 more cup of coffee per month. RIP.
- Bought a pantsuit. Feeling Hillary af and having mixed feelings about it.
- Sent my dad a passive aggressive text when he didn’t check in to make sure I was okay after the explosion in Chelsea.
- Went to a hip new French bar on 106th and Broadway, was carded twice and serenaded by French men.
- Went to Catholic Mass with my roommate. Also went to SoulCycle. Acquired a free t-shirt from one of the two.
- Went for an evening walk in Riverside Park intending to clear my head; ended up drafting half of a paper due next week.
- Got pretty drunk at the Austrian Consulate and fell asleep
- Met Jane Gooddall in Van Cortland Park
- Found out what Van Cortland Park looks like
- Went to ADP stone cold sober and danced for a few hours. Good exercise.
Alter Ego via Wikimedia