We make them boys go loco.
It’s 2am. You’re at a party in EC. You’re sweaty, you’re sticky, and the room won’t stop spinning. You consider lying down on the floor and never getting up again. But then, you hear those signature opening bars, followed by that pterodactyl-like sound of your friends screeching – it’s that song. It’s your song. It’s the song. The song that resonates with you, somewhere deep in your soul, and lifts all of the stress weighing down on you up easily as though it’s a hot air balloon.
You rally, you get up, you dance. You know all the words, and so does everyone else at the party. It’s moments like these when you most feel as though you belong somewhere, even if that somewhere is a crowded EC living room with a group of drunk people.
Which song is it, and what does that say about you?
- Sandstorm by Darude: You’re in the Marching Band. Sandstorm, like the Band, is not very musically complex, hard to explain to those unfamiliar with it, and most fun late at night.
- Any song from Hamilton: You’re in a theater group. They’re all young, scrappy, and hungry to get performance space.
I Gotta Feeling by the Black-Eyed Peas: You’re in Hillel. This is the one pop song that has the phrase “Mazel Tov” in it.
All Summer Long from Kid Rock: You’re in CU Republicans. This song attempts to be classy, but is actually just country – not unlike the Republicans.
- Stitches by Molly Cyrus: You’re in one of the “more special” a capella groups. Because Miley Cyrus is too mainstream.
- I’ll Make a Man out of You: You’re in the CU Wind Ensemble. They sing this at CUPAL Color Wars every year, aiming to make percussionists out of literally anyone they can get.
- Like a Virgin by Madonna: You’re in CUIT. We shouldn’t have to explain why.
- Mr. Brightside by the Killers: You’re in CDCJ. You’re coming out of your cage (or, Low Library) and you’re doing just fine.
- Everytime We Touch by Cascada: You’re in the BDSM club. Because safe, consensual kinky sex can make you “swear you can fly.”
- The Circle of Life from the Lion King: You’re in Beta. Because they want to be the real alpha on campus.
- All Star by Smash Mouth: You’re in the Fed. You can sing along to the original song as well as approximately 27 strange remixes found surfing YouTube at 4am.
- Fergalicious: You’re in Bwog! Bwogalicious definitious, makes journalists go loco.
- No song: You’re in Spec. You never turn up. Spec sucks.
Releasing your inner Fergie via Buzzfeed