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Manhattan is getting its most ambitious subway expansion in half a century! Starting from December, the Second Avenue Line (an extension of the Q Train) will serve the Upper East Side with brand new stations at 72nd, 86th, and 96th streets. (The New York Times)
The nation of Gambia announced on Tuesday its immediate withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Gambian president cited concerns that the ICC ignores “war crimes” of Western nations and seeks only to prosecute Africans. (Reuters)
The Vatican released new guidelines clarifying its position on cremation. The new guidelines urge Catholics not to scatter their ashes or to keep them at home, but to store them in church cemeteries and other “sacred places”. (CNN)
The Venezuelan Congress began a political trial against President Nicolas Maduro, who is blamed for many of the nation’s economic woes. While the power to impeach Maduro lies solely with the Venezuelan Supreme Court, the political trial symbolizes an important rebuke against the President. (Time)
Image via rcrwireless.com