If you’re not into weed jokes, you’re ganga have a bud time.
Tom Hanks, hosting SNL this past weekend, gave America the pre-election pep talk it needs and assuring folks that everything will be alright. Hanks acts as the dad America needs right now as he fist bumps his way into America’s hearts once more. (Huffington Post)
As President Obama prepares to leave office, his name withstands time one more as Old Dixie Highway in Palm Beach County, FL is renamed President Barack Obama Highway. Residents cheered as some remembered a time where the county was racially divided, seeing this as a sign of hope for the future. (The New York Times)
At a legal brothel in Nevada, news of a 20 year old selling her virginity has spread like wildfire. The woman, claiming to be selling her virginity to help her family after a 2014 fire left them in ruins, has had offers of $200,000 but has yet to sell. (CNN)
Five states consider putting marijuana’s legalization on their ballots next month as some claim state experiments are still “too new” to definitively tell if legalizing marijuana will have good or bad results. While is agreed upon that harsh penalties for possession should be changed, many are fearful to suggest it should be completely recreational. (USA Today)
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