STOP RIGHT THERE KYLIE, i'm done with realizing things

STOP RIGHT THERE KYLIE! i’m done with realizing things

Will we ever find alien life, like we’ve always dreamed? Stargazing Live presenter and physicist Brian Cox says “Uh, not really,” stating that every alien civilization will self-destruct before we can encounter them. (Huffington Post)

The University of Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center helped a paralyzed man feel his fingers again with the use of a brain implant and a robotic arm. But will their device cure the numbness inside of me? (The Washington Post)

A new study has revealed that astronauts on Mars can experience brain damage affecting their memory, multitasking, and decision-making skills due to radiation from cosmic rays. Does that mean I can’t get to be Matt Damon now? (CNN)

There is a major cheese surplus in the United States—around 1.2 million pounds of the stuff is just hanging around in storage. If put together, the cheese would amount to 77,240 cubic yards, or the size of a small mountain; to get rid of the surplus, it would take almost every person (including yes, the children) to eat an extra three pounds of cheese per year. The surplus has proven disastrous to farmers, whose incomes have plummeted dramatically. (Vox)

utter shenanigans via Mashable