six inch heeeeels… she walked into the private four-year educational institution like nobody’s business
Next up on the Halloween costume beat: Sexy Ivy League! What’s the point of missing your junior year high school prom to study for the SATs if you can’t at least brag about the fruits of your labor?
You will need:
- Ivy leaves
- Tape
- Appropriately revealing green leotard/tank top
- Arrogance
- Privilege, probably
Step 1: Get into your green gear. It would be light blue for Columbia, but you’re not just going for the single Ivy League legacy look, you want them all. Who knows. You could do Harvard for post-grad.
Step 2: Stick the leaves around your body and hair. This part is simple. If you’re really bold, you could skip the layer underneath and just go for three big leaves – we’ll leave the placement up to your imagination.
Step 3: Really boost up that ego. The ego is crucial – without it, you could be any old Poison Ivy. Walk like you know you’re burning hundreds of thousands of dollars away in just four years, and you’re proud of it.
Cost: $39 for a green bodysuit, $3 for fake ivy leaves, and $300,000 for bragging rights.