Is this even Pantone 292?
We thought Columbia Athletics giving out free beer at the St. Francis game must have been the epitome of our wonderful institution attempting to persuade to actually have any semblance of pride in its activities. We thought CCSC, ESC, SGA, and ESSC were done trying to support the administration and its myriad of flaws. We thought Columbia might give up on the whole “school spirit” thing.
But apparently, we (and the administration) can always be wrong. Because this week is Columbia’s Spirit Week, leading up to Homecoming on Saturday, and the student councils have really gone all out. The official Facebook event is here, and you can check out individual event details below.
- “Scavenger Hunt” & Prizes: Monday 10/17 through Friday 10/21. There are two ways to enter the contest: either take a picture with one of the Student Council VPs of Campus Life (Angela Beam (SGA), Brett Krasner (GSSC), Piyushi Bishnoi (ESC), or Nathan Rosin (CCSC)), or take a picture with one of the inflatable Roaree lions hidden around campus, and post your picture to the Homecoming Facebook event with your uni in the caption. CCSC apparently has a Snapchat (@CCSCofficial), which you can follow for clues on where to find the inflatable Roarees. Someone will win a $40 gift card to the CU Bookstore each day of the week, and two additional winners (for one $100 Dig Inn gift card and one $100 Mel’s gift card) will be chosen and announced at the pep rally on Friday.
- “Pep” Rally: Friday 10/21, 3:30 – 5:30pm on the Butler lawn. There will be a bouncy house, as well as free Insomnia cookies, T-shirts, buttons, and other swag. According to the Facebook event, it will be “FUN!”
- The “Great Battle” for “Lion Pride”: At 4pm at the “pep” rally, the four student presidents (Sara Heiny (SGA), Nicole Allicock (CCSC), Julian LaRosa (GSSC), and Neha Jain (ESC)) will “joust with inflatables.”
- “Yard” Show: Friday 10/21, 6 – 9pm on Low Steps. There will be a performance showcase, cosponsored by the BSO.
- Home “Coming”: Saturday 10/22, 1:30pm at the Kraft field. There will be buses up to the field, if you want to watch the game for some godforsaken reason. Or if you want to watch the Band’s field show, which might be slightly more worth your time.
We give your FB featured image a C for font choice
@Anonymous The way to a school spirit is move the entire campus upstate, like they were planning in the seventies
@Anonymous ya fuck them for trying, like at all