Beware the Tupperware-bearing vultures, ahem, students
Are you feeling hangry today? Fear not – today is Barnard’s Big Sub Day! Bwog tells you everything you need to know about the event:
What: Big Sub Day – a.k.a Barnard’s free sandwich giveaway! Each year, Barnard’s dining services and activities committee, McAc, creates a mega-sub (this year’s sub is 715 feet long) exclusively for student consumption. This year’s Big Sub theme will be SUBWAY, featuring a 1-train themed map guiding you to different sections of the sandwich, as well as MillieCards (Big Sub’s take on MTA metro cards), and more fun stuff.
Where: Throughout Barnard’s campus–don’t worry, you’ll know when you’re there
When: 7pm, although Bwog recommends that you get there EARLY (6:30ish) if you want to guarantee getting a sandwich
Other information: Big Sub T-Shirts are being sold for $5 at Hewitt Dining Hall from 11am-3pm today!
Image via freshu.io
1 Comment
@Anonymous And YOU were complaining about rats?