Four Americans were killed by a suicide bomber inside Bagram airbase, a US military facility in Afghanistan. Even though Bagram has always been targeted by militants, this incident marks an unprecedented breach of security in the most protected places in Afghanistan. (BBC)
While anti-Trump protests erupt all over the major cities in the States, people in Egypt have rallied on the streets of Cairo, Suez, and Beheiera province to demonstrate against their own government. So far, at least 130 people have been arrested. (The Independent)
After many years of conflicts and a failed peace deal that was rejected by Colombian voters, the Colombian government has struck a new peace deal with FARC rebel group. The new peace agreement is said to include stipulations on reparations for victims, which will come from FARC’s own asset. (CNN)
Residents of Venice staged a protest decrying the drastic depopulation of the picturesque city. “Venice is losing 1,000 residents each year,” said Matteo Secchi, head of the association venessia.com which organized the rally. The city’s population has dropped from 175,000 in 1951 to 55,000, while as many as 60,000 tourists visit in peak seasons. (BBC)
photos via BBC
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@It's Trumps America Now Let me drink ALL your tears.