The end of the semester is approaching, and that means it’s almost time for everyone’s favorite opportunity to laugh at jokes they’d be too uncomfortable to make in front of their friends: Orgo Night. This year, as in all years, Orgo Night will be held the last night of reading week (not the night before the organic chemistry exam, contrary to popular belief.) You can see all the flyers below, and take part in pseudo-intellectual discourse about the flyers on the official Orgo Night Facebook page.
Whether you love these flyers or think they represent everything wrong with Columbia as a community, you can rest assured that the Band will find some way to laugh at you – as evidenced by their new promo (released earlier this afternoon), in which bandies read and react to mean comments.
- Latinas para … who now?
- Pie
- We thought there was at least one SEAS student in band?
- Does the band know /anything/ about science?
- Me: don’t comment on this post Me to me: if I don’t make my opinions known am I a real Columbia student
- Rip in peace, Maggie
- #notmyband
@Anonymous g(tb)^2 == grab them by the balls
@Ex Bandie No g(tb)^2=give the band the beer…
@Know Your Herstory Y’all both dumb
g(tb)^2 == gosh those boobies they bounce
@(s)ex-band peerson wrong.
g(tb)^2 == get the band to butler
@gotta catch em all actually
g(tb)^2 = got to be the best
the very best
I wanna be the very best
like no one ever waaaasss
@I ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ CUMB, take me ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
@your ta @ cumb y’all are getting fs in chem and you deserve it
@sssh dis dumb, nice try “bandie”
@mohamed yo, i matched with them on tinder!
@Anonymous so good!! Wonder who made these!!! Wow 100% good
@cuckumon delet this
@swagmuffin The CUMB makes me really horny :^)