Barnard’s 2017 commencement speaker, at center
This morning, Dean Hinkson announced via email that Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) president Joanne Liu will be Barnard’s 2017 commencement speaker. In addition to being keynote speaker, Liu will also receive the Barnard medal of distinction.
Other medal honorees include Johnnetta Cole, Director of the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art; Zainab Salbi, women’s rights activist and humanitarian; and Diane von Furstenberg.
The commencement will take place on May 17 at 4:00 pm in Radio City Music Hall. Columbia’s commencement will take place that morning.
You can read Dean Hinkson’s full email below:
Dear Barnard Seniors and the Barnard Community,
It is my pleasure to announce the distinguished speaker and medalists for Commencement 2017. We are honored that Joanne Liu, International President of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), will deliver the keynote address and receive the Barnard Medal of Distinction. A pediatrician and professor of medicine at the University of Montreal, Dr. Liu was elected to lead MSF in 2013 and re-elected to a second term earlier this year. She has dedicated her career to those who need it most—refugees, women and children across the globe.
Joining her on the platform to receive Medals are Johnnetta Cole, Director of the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art; Zainab Salbi, women’s rights activist and humanitarian; and Diane von Furstenberg, fashion designer, philanthropist, and iconic New Yorker. Thanks are due to the Medalist Committee for their help in selecting our honorees, as well as to those who participated in the Commencement speaker conversations.
Read full bios of the medalists at: https://barnard.edu/news/docto
Barnard’s 125th Commencement will take place on Wednesday, May 17, 2017, at 4:00 p.m., at Radio City Music Hall. Before the ceremony, the Class of 2017 will gather on campus for a celebratory reception with friends, family, and faculty. Bus transportation to Radio City Music Hall will be provided for all graduates, departing from Barnard at 2:30 p.m.
I know that this year is unique with President Spar’s departure in March, but I am happy to announce that President Spar will be there to celebrate with you.
The University Commencement will take place on the morning of Wednesday, May 17. More information and updates about both Commencement ceremonies will be posted over the next several weeks at www.barnard.edu/commencement.
We very much look forward to celebrating the spectacular achievements of the Barnard Class of 2017 in May.
Avis Hinkson
Dean of the College
Photo via MSF, by Paulo Filgueiras