Wanna throw us a bone Cuomo?
Happening in the US: San Bernardino has experienced yet another shooting. The 53-year-old husband went to his wife’s work at a primary school and shot two students, his wife, and himself. The shooter, his wife, and a student are dead, and the other student remains in critical condition at a local hospital. (The Independent)
Happening in NYC: Governor Cuomo announced that by Fall of 2017, New York college students will be able to go to a SUNY or CUNY college or university for free. The only catch: they must stay in the state for the number of years that they received the free education. Sorry Columbia students, but no free college for you. (NY Times)
Happening on campus: Today from 12:15-2 pm in the International Affairs Building there will be a presentation, Writing the Soviet South into the History of the Cold War and Decolonization. It’s open to everyone and is free!
Overheard: Person 1: “I wanna get married at Low.”
Person 2: “That’s weird. What if your husband went to Cornell?”
Person 1: “What an awful hypothetical.”
Music Pick: With this beautifully warm weather, get into the festival mode! Here’s Spotify’s Ultimate Festival Guide 2017 to kick off your day.
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