Good morning, Columbia! It’s the first day of finals week! Just a few more days of studying and then we can all go the hell home. You can do it. I believe in you.
Bwogline: The lineup for Meadows Music and Arts Festival is out! This year, check out Jay-Z, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gorillaz, and more.
Study Tip: Did you know that omega-3 fatty acids can lower test anxiety? Maybe it’s time to invest in some of those weird fish gummies. No, not Swedish Fish—the vitamin ones you buy at Duane Reade.
Music: Need some high-energy jamz to keep you awake through those late night study sessions? Well you’re in luck, because LCD Soundsystem just dropped two new songs, and they’re fucking good. You’re welcome.
Procrastination: Get crafty. My latest obsession is beaded friendship bracelets. Find some lettered beads and let our your angst by spelling out phrases like “fuck finals” and “at least I’m not in SEAS.” Wear your bracelets with pride as you wither away in Butler; at least you’ll have some motivation every time you look down at your wrist.
Overseen: So, someone is trying to sell a snake on Barnard Buy Sell Trade. If you’re looking for a cute and quirky pet to adopt for the summer, you’re in luck.
Image via Candy Crate